How it works

Menhammar OnlineSales 2024

At 18:30 CET (Central European Time) on Sunday July 14th is the live Web TV broadcast of the sale Menhammar OnlineSales 2024. The first call out for bids is at 18:45 CET. During the broadcast, the horses will be presented and sold one by one via a bidding program developed for this purpose.

“A digital horse auction as close to live as possible” was the assignment when Menhammar OnlineSales was created. The corona pandemic’s intrusion in 2020 changed the world in many ways and horse auctions were no exception. Digital auctions have existed for several years but in this special situation we wanted to do something new, better and more fun – then the idea of Menhammar OnlineSales was born. A service that hopefully will benefit the whole industry and that in the long run will increase and broaden the interest in horse auctions.

Web TV broadcast
At 18:30 CET on Sunday July 14th, the live TV broadcast for Menhammar OnlineSales begins. The first call is around 18:45. In the broadcast, the horses will be presented and sold one by one via our online bidding program. All bidding takes place via this website. If you want to bid easily via your mobile, you can download the simplified bidding page here: Mobile view – Menhammar OnlineSales

To become a bidder
Placing bids on our website should be smooth and in the same way as at a regular auction, combined with a certain nerve and excitement. It is important that you create an account well in advance of the auction to be ready to place your bids when the auction starts. If you have previously participated in any of the Menhammar OnlineSales auctions, your account details are saved. You also need to change your password for this auction. You do this most easily by clicking on the link “Forgot password?” on the login page. You can also click on this link that takes you directly there: “Forgot password”. Before each auction, however, you must always 1) check and approve that your contact details are correct and 2) approve the auction terms for the current auction. BankID can be used to identify and login on the site using the application. In order to start using BankID in connection with Menhammar OnlineSales, you must make sure you have added your social security number (personnummer) to your profile in the contact details section.

Create a new account
You create a new account on the auction site, by clicking on the link under the Log in button.

  1. Enter your email address and click the Register button. You will then receive an email with instructions and a link to create a password.
  2. Then log in to the auction site with your new password. You will come to “My page” and there you should fill in your contact details. Note that some fields are mandatory. Swedish customers with an BankID enter their social security number. Finish by confirming that the information entered is correct.
  3. After your registration, you who have a BankID, should log in with this service again and thereby confirm your identity. If you do not have a BankID, you will receive an email with information about identification using the Scrive function. The signing is linked to an agreement between the seller and the buyer. Note that each new auction has separate auction terms that you must approve before each auction. If you have already done an identification check at previous Menhammar OnlineSales auctions, you only need to approve the current auction terms that are available on “My page”.
  4. After the identification and after you have approved the auction terms for the current auction, you will be able to use your account to bid on the items. Your password is now linked to your identification and your approval of the auction agreement when bidding. Make sure that you use a sufficiently secure password and do not share it with others.

To bid on a horse
The auction opens for bidding on Friday 12th of July at 8:00 am. As a registered and approved bidder, you are ready to be able to place bids on the items. All bids are anonymous but all bids can be followed under Bid History. If you are the first to place a bid on a horse, you will become “Bidder 1”, but only for the current horse. If you are the seventh person to place a bid on another horse, you will become “Bidder 7” on that horse. The first time you place a bid, you must confirm the bid with two more button clicks. Then you bid by just clicking “Place bid”. After each winning bid, the buyer becomes official within a few seconds and is presented on the auction site. The horses are sold one at a time with a clear closing procedure. The auctioneer waits until the bids stop and instead of counting up “first, second, third” and then hitting a club, he will start a countdown clock that counts down 15 seconds. If a new bid comes in within these 15 seconds, the countdown will start automatically from 15 and continue to do so until no new bids come in during the countdown. The one who has the highest bid when the countdown is over and the digital club falls has won the bidding. Keep in mind that there may be a few seconds delay in the live TV broadcast, so it is the clock on the auction site that applies. Bid intervals – The starting price is SEK 30,000. The bid interval is SEK 10,000 up to SEK 150,000, after that the bid interval is SEK 25,000 up to SEK 500,000 and SEK 50,000 thereafter. You can increase the bid by several intervals (max 10) if you click several times before you approve your bid.

Preliminary inspection of the horses
Please contact Daniel Olsson:, (+46)070-584 50 80 if you wish to inspect the horses prior to the sale.