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Another sibling to the Derby Winner!
Who’s Who is a unique horse who won the Svenskt Travderby and has stepped up in the European elite where he won big races and has earned more than 13 million SEK! Great Ruler is the first younger full brother to Who’s Who!
Reality Pride was a top racehorse with three victories in races with over 100,000 SEK to the winner, including the Diamantsto. She is the dam of Derby winner Who’s Who, 13-time millionaire. Who’s Who has also won the Paralympiatravet, the Hugo Åbergs Memorial, the Jubileumspokalen and the Norrbotten Stora Pris. Reality Pride’s dam Elitloppa competed in the European elite among mares, banked 3.7 million SEK and won, among other things, Lady Snärt’s Lopp. She is also the dam of Cash Pride 194,000 euros, Kingly Pride 170,000 euros and Queenly Pride 158,000 euros. First full brother to Who’s Who!