Elite auction 2022

Elite auction 2022 / Dominator V.P.

#70 Dominator V.P.

Colt/Stallion 70 out of 100 objects
Asking price: 50 000 kr The auction ended without a winner.

Sire Donato Hanover

Mother Armbro Domino

Grand sire Self Possessed

Om hästen

e. Donato Hanover u. Armbro Domino ue. Self Possessed

Sex Colt/Stallion
Born 2021-05-25
Sire Donato Hanover
Mother Armbro Domino
Grand sire Self Possessed
Reg. no. SE 21-3263
Color Brown
Breeding index 110
Inavelskoeff. 15.53%
Mank height/cross height -
Breeder JT Trotting OU & Vasiliy Panchenko
Seller JT Trotting OU
Real motorhome parking Stall D